Michael Crute wrote:
I am trying to write a scrip to maintain my Bind zone files and I was
wondering if it is valid to cram the SOA all onto one line. I have
scoured the internet and can't find anyone who does it that way. My
question is... will it break stuff? Right now my SOA looks like:

@       IN      SOA     ns1.domain.com.      hostmaster.domain.com. (
            2006082201  ; serial number
            12h  ; Refresh
            1h ; Retry
            2w ; Expire
            1h ; Min TTL

what I am proposing is this:

@ IN SOA ns1.domain.com. admin.domain.com. ( 2006082201 12h 1h 2w 1h )

Are the two equivalent?


They should be.
"DNS and BIND", 4th issue, German iprint, from Paul Albitz & Cricket Liu, O'Reilly 2004 says (I translate free): The brackets allow the SOA-Record to go over several lines.

So I would assume they allow but this is an option only.


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