On Sunday 27 August 2006 13:39, Stephen Liu wrote:

> The PCs, a workstation only, are not connected to network.  Neither
> I'll run 2/3 PCs simultaneously.

Ok, I didn't have this info.

> Previously I did it in this way making use of an addtional network
> card connecting 2 PCs.  Later I ceased using this method because
> another PC was standing idly.

If you don't need real-time synchronization, and don't handle gigabyes of 
data, maybe aliasing umount could be an option (this is kind of hackish, 
of course):


# assuming your removabile device is mounted under /mnt/external
# assuming umount is called by mountpoint and not by device name


if [ "$1" == "$MOUNTPOINT" ]; then

  echo "Synchronizing..."

  # put here whatever command you want to use for synching, eg rsync



/bin/umount $1
exit $?

Save tha above script into a file named "umount", and put it in your path 
so that it is found before the real /bin/umount. Or you can do the same 
with a shell alias.
Great care must be taken when modifying or aliasing important system 
commands, since you kind of break the integrity of your system.
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