Different from kde, in the world gnome there is no wrapper for the
corresponding toolkit (gtk+ in the case of gnome or qt in the case of
kde). While real kde-apps use the kdelibs, apps for the gnome desktop
use the gtk+ toolkit directly. So, whether a gtk+ based app is related
to the gnome desktop is only dependend on the mood of the developers.
And Sean Egan (the leading developer of gaim) decided that gaim is no
gnome-app, because of gaim's large popularity in the non-gnome world.
But from the technical standpoint this actually doesn't matter. Just
note that gaim is like the most of the so called gnome-apps, just linked
against gtk+ (the toolkit which also the gnome-desktop uses) and not
against any gnome-core stuff.

Sebastian Noack

b.n. wrote:
> Nico wrote:
> > gaim need some gnome lib no ?
> I just checked the gaim dependencies (emerge -et gaim) and it seems
> to pull anything related to gnome. It wants cairo and pango, anyway,
> among others.
> m.
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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