I'm upgrading my gcc from 3.x to 4.x. I've done the gcc switching, and now I'm
updating my system.

The recommended steps are:

   # emerge -eav system
   # emerge -eav world

While emerging my system I received a message suggesting I run revdep-rebuild:

   warning - be sure to run revdep-rebuild now

Um, I believe you can ignore this.  The emerge -eav world will rebuild
all packages...there is nothing that revdep-rebuild will catch that
world won't.

Now if you want to keep /using/ the system while it is rebuilding, you could do:

emerge -eav system  # if already complete, don't repeat
revdep-rebuild --library libstdc++.so.6
emerge -eav world

The revdep-rebuild command will recompile all C++ applications, and
will take a damn long time to run.  But less time than rebuilding
world, and once it completes, your C++ apps should at least be sane.
Otherwise you might get ABI conflicts while the world rebuild is going

Of course, those same C++ apps are going to be rebuilt during the
world step...which is kind of lame.  There are some tricks you can use
to avoid rebuilding things twice...search the archives of this list
for ideas.

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