> My main concern is the memory.  My motherboad supports PC100
> memory as well as a 133fsb although it's not running at that
> speed now.  I'll have to crank it up to 133fsb to support the
> Tualatin CPU, and I wonder how that will affect the PC-100
> memory.  Would it be better to buy good Kingston PC-100 memory
> and hope it can handle the extra speed,

That won't work, not reliably.

> or to buy PC-133 memory
> for the motherboard that officially supports PC-100.

If your motherboard supports FSB at 133 MHz, then it should support
PC-133 memory.

Everything I've read says it (i810E motherboard) supports 66/100/133
fsb and PC-100 memory.  I've read that some BIOSes allow you to adjust
the memory clock (fsb, fsb+33, fsb-33) but I don't have that option in
my BIOS.  Could there be a jumper on the motherboard somewhere?

If I plug in the new CPU and something goes wrong, is there a way to
tell if it's because my PC-100 memory can't handle the 133 fsb or
because my motherboard isn't compatible with Tuatalin CPUs?

- Grant
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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