Michael Crute wrote:

Methinks there is just a bit of FUD swirling around. I can't speak to
GCC 4.1 (may do it this afternoon) but the last time I did a GCC
upgrade (following the documentation) I had absolutely no problems
whatsoever. If you are really worried tar up your system as a backup
before you start.

Yeah - I did this for the first time (gcc 3.4 -> 4.1). The documentation is very good - particularly the highlight section that told me to use the general instructions for the 4.1 upgrade.

The only issues I had were:
- oprofile-0.9 makes world emerge fail (known bug).
- after unmerging oprofile, I forgot to add "--resume" to my 2nd world merge attempt!(sigh).

It took about 1 and 1/2 days all up (counting 2 world builds!) on a dual PIII. It is a server, so no Gnome or KDE etc, which I guess made the whole think much easier.


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