Hi Bo,

Tks for your advice.

> Did you set the following USE flags
> USE="gtk gtk2 gnome hal avahi"
> in /etc/make.conf

# cat /etc/make.conf
USE="gtk gtk2 gnome"

I left out "hal avahi" because I have no idea what they are for. 
Neither I need them.

> # emerge --newuse --update --deep --verbose --ask world
> This will recompile anything that has changed USE flags since they
> were 
> installed.

Edited /etc/make.conf adding "hal avahi"
USE="gtk gtk2 gnome hal avahi"

# emerge --newuse --update --deep --verbose --ask world
It went through without complaint except taking lengthy time to

After finish, ran;
# startx
/root/.xinitrc:line 1:exec:gnome-session:not found

Still unable to start gnome

# emerge --search avahi
net-dns/avahi not installed

# emerge --search hal
app-doc/halibut [Masked]
.... not installed
dev-perl (CPAN-Muis-Phalanx [Masked]
.... not installed
.... not installed
games-server/halflife-steam [Masked]
.... not installed
.... not installed

Do I need all of them to start gnome?

Continued on
Code Listing 2.7: Adding hald and avahi-dnsconfd to the default
( http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/gnome-config.xml )
# ls /etc/init.d/ | grep hald
No printout
Can't proceed further

# emerge gnome-volume-manager
* Please re-emerge X11-libs/cairo with the X USE flag set
ERROR: x11-libs/gtk+-2.8.19 failed
Call stack
ebuild.sh, line 1555: Called dyn-setup
gtk+-2.8.19 ebuild, line 57 called pkg-setp die
Cairo needs the X flag set

Please advise how to fix the problem.  TIA

Others noted with tks.

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