On Fri, 08 Sep 2006 23:15:09 -0500, Dale wrote:

> So basically if I mess with a file and then unmerge the program it
> belongs to, I have to remember which ones I messed with and delete them
> myself?

Yes, because the file is no longer the file portage installed, so it has
no right to remove it.

> If I unmerge this in a console and can't read all the "--
> !mtime" as they roll by, I'm stuck with orphan files on my rig?  This
> needs a fix but I wouldn't want to be the dev to figure this one
> out.  ;-)

This generally isn't a problem, because you normally only edit files
in /etc, which are config protected anyway. It arises here because
fix_libtool_files.sh modifies the .la files. One could argue that it is
the responsibility of that script to check the md5/mtime information and
update it.

Neil Bothwick

A computer scientist is someone who, when told to "Go to Hell,"
sees the "go to," rather than the destination, as harmful.

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