> Hmm, do you get something similar if you do:
> DEVICE_URI=smb://reader:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/chub-print
> export DEVICE_URI
> /usr/bin/smbspool 0 reader test 1 0 /etc/fstab

Well, that tried to print something at least.  Somekind of stepping
problem seems to have prevented a real print.  I got 2 pages. one page
with the first and second line of fstab.  The second line was indented
about half a page. Then a blank page.

Ok, that's good.  The staircasing is easily explained/fixed, but not
really important.  Mostly we are just interested in the fact that that
command did connect and try and print.

First, do an "ls -l /usr/libexec/cups/backend/smb"  It should be a
symbolic link pointing to /usr/bin/smbspool.

If it is, then we need to see what the differences are between running
that command directly vs the way cups runs it.  We can use some shell
script trickery to do this:

1. mv /usr/bin/smbspool /usr/bin/smbspool.bin
2. $EDITOR /usr/bin/smbspool
Make a new script that contains:
echo $0:$1:$2:$3:$4:$5:$6:$7 > $tmpfile
env >>$tmpfile

# this part is just a guess..
export DEVICE_URI=$0
/usr/bin/smbspool $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 >>$tmpfile

3. chmod 755 /usr/bin/smbspool

Try printing again through cups.  After the failure, you should have
one or more /tmp/smbspool.* files.  Post one of those here, although
you may want to inspect it first and mask out anything that reveals
your password!

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