  I decided I wanted to sell my Mac Mini as it's turned out to be
nothing but a glorified print server. (No one uses it including me.)
Anyway, I'm trying to move my HP printer from the Mac to my Gentoo box
using the Gentoo Printing Guide:


  The printer is hooked up and I can print test pages from my local
machine using the CUPS admin page in Firefox. However, when I open a
terminal and type lpq I have problems:

lightning ~ # lpq
lpq: Unable to contact server!
lightning ~ #

and inside of an app like Open Office I don't see the printer. It just
says Generic Printer. If I try the Printer Admin app in Gnome it says
the CUPS server cannot be contacted.

  The two changes I've tried in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf, as per the guide, are:

<Location />
Order Deny,Allow
Deny From All
Allow From
Allow From 192.68.1.*

and this

#Port 631
Port localhost:631

or this

Port 631
#Port localhost:631

It seems I must be missing something obvious. I have restarted cupsd
after each config file change but nothing helps yet.

Where do I look to get info to help fix this up?

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