On 9/18/06, Mark Knecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 9/18/06, Sarpy Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Maybe port 631 will work here, I have it set to Listen *.631

Changed it to

Listen *:631

and restarted CUPS on the server.

> On the client mahines you want to comment out the listen localhost:631
> line in cupsd.conf.  Then you want to make a file in /etc/cups called
> client.conf.  Insert in it
> ServerName  *****

Ah! OK, that makes sense. I changed it appropriately, restarted CUPS
on the client machine and now I get this far:

HP is ready
no entries
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ lpstat -a
HP accepting requests since Jan 01 00:00

So far this looks OK. However, if I go into the CUPS manager on the
client and try to print a test page it's telling me the printer is not

Any ideas? I guess you can print a test page from within the CUPS
manager on the client?

Thanks a lot for this much. It's helpful.
I messed around some more with mine now and found out a few more things.

I also added the following to the cupsd.conf on the print server machine.

# Show shared printers on the local network.
Browsing On
BrowseOrder allow,deny
BrowseAllow 192.168.2.*
BrowseAllow @LOCAL

# Restrict access to the server...
<Location />
 Order allow,deny
 Allow localhost
 Allow From 192.168.2.*

The 192.168.2.* is my local subnet I was trying to allow printing
from.  With a restart of the cups server on the machine with the
printer that client machine saw the peinter no problem.

I also now discovered that when I use the CUPS manager on the client
machine itr just forwards me to the CUPS manager on the Server
machine.  Since in cupsd.conf I haven't allowed a client machine
access to change anything I can't change any of the parameters of the
CUPS manager but I am able to print a test page.

I also finished setting up KDE and everything is now working fine on
the client with the setup I have described.  Sorry about forgetting to
tell you about the other two lines I changed in cupsd.conf.  Hope
these changes help you.
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