Hello, I'm stumped here, so i'm open for suggestions.

My system refuses to boot fully. What happens is it powers on, and i see a very quick flash that says something along the lines of "Loading Grub Stage 1.5", and then a reboot. This just continues in a loop.

In the past few days, I was upgrading glibc to 2.4 and also to gcc 4.1.1. I was using the GCC upgrade guide. Everything went well until it was time to reboot. I did do an emerge -e world.

I remerged grub, and used the grub console to reinstall. I have checked my grub.conf, it looks fine. It also does not have any trailing garbage (suggestion from others).

I also recompiled and reinstalled my kernel, making sure it was compiled with gcc 4.1.1.

Many times i got back in via chroot, and tried to reinstall grub, but to no avail. It sees the disks, it sees the partitions, it sees the filesystems.

So I am not sure what to do next. I flung about 4 hours of time at this with no change.

Any ideas?
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