> It looks like an dependency problem on your init
> Did you tried to run "depscan.sh"? it should fix
init.d dependencies.

depscan.sh didn't help.
I find that when I remove xdm from default runlevel
everything works fine.
I can also see that when stopping xdm via:
/etc/init.d/xdm stop
I receive error message.
My xdm depend() section looks like:
depend() {
        need localmount

        # this should start as early as possible
        # we can't do 'before *' as that breaks it
        # (#139824) Start after ypbind and autofs for
network authentication
        # (#145219) Could use lirc mouse as input
        after bootmisc readahead-list ypbind autofs
openvpn gpm netmount lircd
        before alsasound net.lo

        # Start before X
        use acpid hald xfs

Do You have any idea what can be wrong ?
Thank You for help.


--- Alan McKinnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 15 September 2006 17:46, Pawel K wrote:
> > Hello
> > NFS and SAMBA doesn't mount at boot:
> >
> > 1. NFS
> >
> > I receive the following message at boot:
> > Sep 15 14:34:34 [rc-scripts] ERROR:  cannot start
> > nfsmount as net.eth0 could not start
> > Sep 15 14:34:35 [rc-scripts] ERROR:  cannot start
> > netmount as net.eth0 could not start
> [snip]
> > Do You have any idea what can be wrong with my
> > configuration ?
> The answer is right there in the error messages. The
> scripts 
> cannot bring up your eth0 interface, so there's a
> snowball's 
> chance in hell of nfs or samba ever working until
> that's fixed.
> You need to find out why networking isn't coming up.
> Start 
> with /etc/conf.d/net and the output from ifconfig. 
> Can you use ifconfig to bring the interface up
> manually? 
> Run /etc/init.d/net.eth0 and inspect the output
> closely, 
> that'll give you further clues.
> alan
> -- 
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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