On 9/29/06, Jason Weisberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In case you had not noticed, compiling the entire distro from source is not the newbie way to install a linux distro either.  I think if you're that worried about autoconfiguration, you should probably look elsewhere.

Daniel lliev wrote:
   Nope! I agree with the OP. My plain "2 buttons + scroller" mouse wasn't
   detected too. So I copied my old xorg.conf.
   I really think xorg configuration should be more user friendly. Woking X
   is crucial for not  getting newbies scared. ;-)

Jason Weisberger

The solution is to set your mouse to /dev/input/mice, and add the line to your mouse section 'Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"'. there done the scroll wheel will work.

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