On 9/30/06, Duane Griffin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 29/09/06, Ryan Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm looking at upgrading to a Core 2 Duo system, and looking at the
> Asus P5B series of motherboards.  I've found a couple forum posts
> (http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-494387-highlight-p965.html and
> http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-498160-highlight-p965.html) that
> seem to indicate troubles with JMicron support in kernels.  Is this
> something I should be concerned about?  The forum discussions seem to
> indicate that the problem is unresolved, indicating to me that I
> should look elsewhere for motherboards.

I'm running gentoo on exactly this setup. There was some trouble with
support for the controller prior to 2.6.18, however it all works just
fine if you use the "all-generic-ide irqpoll" boot parameters.

Doesn't the all-generic-ide line prevent you from using DMA and such?
The two objections I've seen to that is that it restricts the speed,
and also renames the drives to hd* instead of sd*, so things would get
switched around if I ever got to drop that parameter.

Another issue you might run into is getting the onboard RTL8168
ethernet controller working. There is no in-kernel driver for this
thing. I managed to get the vendor-supplied driver compiling, but
isn't working correctly for me (it seems to be transmitting packets
fine but not receiving anything). I've not looked into it much since
there seems to be in-kernel support coming soon and I've got another
ethernet controller card to use in the meantime. There are also lots
of reports from people getting it working successfully, so it may just
be something stupid I'm doing.

Yes, I'm seeing that, too.  I think at this point I'm looking into
other motherboards.

Ryan W Sims

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