On Wednesday 04 October 2006 15:53, Stefán István wrote:
> Yes, I've read it but my filenames are encoded with iso8859-2 (or at least
> I think so), and I dont want to change them to utf-8. At least not yet. How
> can I determine the character encoding of an existing filename?

The whole point of unicode is that you cannot autodetect the encoding of a 
filename (or file). With unicode you can use one encoding for everything and 
hence you don't have to autodetect it.... You can use app-text/convmv to 
convert your file names between two different encodings. If you run it 
without the --notest parameter it will only show you what would happen if you 
make said conversion. By inspecting the output of that you should be able to 
figure it out but I don't think there is any automatic way of doing it...

Bo Andresen

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