On Saturday 07 October 2006 03:16, Robert Welz wrote:

> Are there hooks in portage with which I can execute some scripts after

> an emerge -u world? I need to check my libraries in the chroot jail :) I

> build for boinc today against their original counterparts in the file

> system. This would be nicer than having a cronjob looking after them at

> fixed intervals.


Please explain what that script does, when exactly it is supposed to run and why you think it needs to use a hook in portage...

> Sorry for posting twice,

> but last mail seems to been lost somewhere.

As you can see e.g. at [1] it wasn't lost. In fact it had two replies within the first 30 minutes...

[1] http://news.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.user


Bo Andresen

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