On Saturday 07 October 2006 06:50, Grant wrote:
> > >  I think I'll stick with:
> > >
> > > dd if=/dev/dvd of=image.dvd
> >
> > That won't work on CSS scrambled discs. You'll copy the scrambled data
> > but not the key. Instead, use vobcopy followed by growisofs.
> What about this (it's what I've been doing):
> lsdvd && dd if=/dev/dvd of=image.dvd
> Is there any advantage to creating an ISO filesystem out of the image
> if you aren't going to burn it?

yes. ease of transfer, keping everyting togther. still playable with xine 

why are you naming it image.dvd instead of image.iso?

> Also, is there any way to compress 
> the image without doing any kind of transcoding or that type of
> reprocessing?

the mpeg streams on the dvd ARE compressed. thats what the mpeg codec does. 
You can try the usual suspects - zip, bzip etc, but you won't get far. 

programs that reduce the size of DVD9 so that they will fit on a DVD5 usually 
requantise the stream, I am not sure what that means, but it is much quicker 
than transcoding to another codec like xvid. xvid will, of course, give you a 
much smaller avi file. 

the analogy with flac is not really appropriate. flac is a lossless 
compression, you start with an uncompressed wav file and end up with a 
losslessly compressed audio file. A DVD is already lossy compressed to mpeg2, 
so it is not logical to make an analogy with flac. As I said, you can 
requantise, but of course you lose something...

> - Grant
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