On Wed, 2006-10-11 at 06:51 -0700, Stephen Liu wrote:
> Hi Iain,
> > OK, we're getting somewhere!!
> Something strange happened here.  After serveral boots the trick did not work 
> any more.
> Login as "user"
> # `gnome-volume-manager &`
> (gnome-volume-manager:6102): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session 
> manager:
> Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols 
> specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.
> * end *

sorry, should have mentioned here that you only need to start
gnome-volume-manager once.  From then it will (should) add itself to
your session and automatically start next time you login to gnome...

> However
> # ls /media
> disk
> still showing one mount point of the partitions (the HD on USB
> enclosure has 2 partitions, both on ext3).  Another disk-1
> disappeared.  But it has not mounted.  I have to run;
> # mount /dev/sdb1 /media/disk
> I haven't figured out the cause.  I made several tests with the same
> result.

I find sometimes that stale entries get left it /media.  If you unplug
all external storage, and make sure nothing in /media is mounted, you
can purge /media and try again.

> > I used to have this issue (drives would mount, but not show up on the
> > desktop). I fixed it by upgrading.
> > Have you considered gnome 2.14? 
> I'm running gnome-light of version 2.14.2.

Eh? you said you were running 2.12.0:

On Mon, 2006-10-09 at 04:16 -0700, Stephen Liu wrote:
> # equery l gnome-light
> [ Searching for package 'gnome-light' in all categories among: ]
>  * installed packages
> [I--] [  ] gnome-base/gnome-light-2.12.0 (2.0)

If you've upgraded to 2.14, then good.  Have you rebooted (if there were
udev / hald / other init.d updates) or at least restarted X?

>   I'm prepared to install the full gnome.  But I haven't figured out
> whether just run;
> # emerge -av gnome
> OR
> # emerge --unmerge gnome-light && emerge gnome

full gnome shouldn't be necessary.  Dependencies should be pulled in if

> At this juncture I can't ascertain whether my problems encountered
> coming from the software or the mobo.

given that you got it to work somewhere along the way, (and you can
mount manually) I'd say it's software related.

Now that you kind-of have things happening, what does /var/log/messages
show when you plug in a usb disk?

Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

I have seen the future and it is just like the present, only longer.
                -- Kehlog Albran, "The Profit"

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