On Monday 09 October 2006 15:03, Liviu Andronic wrote:
> Are you saying that it lacks a maintainer for keeping emelFM2 up-to-date in
> portage? 


> Is there any way to ask portage devels to update regularly
> emelFM2 ebuilds? (As it can be seen in [1], there are people providing
> ebuilds for each emelFM2 release; couldn't they help maintaining emelFM2 in
> portage?).

If one of them is willing to be a maintainer and he can find a dev who is 
willing to become proxy him, yes. Apparently noone did so far though.

> > The latest ebuild is on bug #90476 [1]. Unlike the latest ebuild in
> > portage that actually has a unicode use flag. Did you use that one [2]?
> I'm novice enough to Gentoo to not yet master emerging from custom ebuilds.
> So I build it from source (make && make install). I used version 0.2.

You just fetch the ebuild and the two patches it requires from the bug and 
place them in your local overlay. This should help you figure out how:


> However, the problem isn't emelFM2 specific. It is more linked to GTK+2
> applications. For example, Qalculate! isn't able to display the pi sign
> (the unicode pi sign). Or Xfce cannot display corefonts (Arial, Tahoma,
> Verdana). Instead of displaying a unicode character (my guess), it displays
> an incomprehensible series of numbers.
> My guess is that it has to be somehow linked to locale, but I cannot see
> how. I have a fresh 2006.1 Gentoo installation, with a customised kernel
> having nls_utf8 built-in. The only crucial change that I made was upgrading
> Xorg to 7.1. I generally build all my applications with +nls flag.

Only suggestion I can think of is to follow this:


Bo Andresen

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