On Saturday 14 October 2006 18:50, JC Denton wrote:
> Hi!
> I want to give wings a try. But when comling  erlang I det this error
> message:
> What does this mean? I looked in the gentoo forum and found a lot problems
> with erlang but not this one. I found a possible solution on:
> http://tomcopeland.blogs.com/juniordeveloper/2006/04/ejabberd_erlang.html
> But actually I have not a single idea how to apply this patch.

You can see a more proper version of the same patch by typing:

# cat `portageq portdir`/dev-lang/erlang/files/glibc-2.4-fix.patch

It is applied in erlang-10.2.10 with this addition to the ebuild:

# cat `portageq portdir`/dev-lang/erlang/erlang-10.2.10.ebuild
src_unpack() {
        # Patch for glibc-2.4 first noted in Bug #128254 -- NOTE this is a
        # compile time fix, runtime still requires testing, see
        # http://www.erlang.org/ml-archive/erlang-questions/200601/msg00500.html
        epatch "${FILESDIR}/glibc-2.4-fix.patch"

So just keyword erlang-10.2.10:

# echo ~dev-lang/erlang-10.2.10 >> /etc/portage/package.keywords

Bo Andresen

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