On Sun, 15 Oct 2006 08:34:10 -0700 (PDT), maxim wexler wrote:

> One of the files dispatch-conf over-wrote without
> telling me or leaving any record was
> /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6 which meant 8250.ko
> failed to load.

> localhost heathen # portageq config_protect

If you really have an empty CONFIG_PROTECT, dispatch-conf didn't touch
this file, it was replaced during emerge. You must fix this before
emerging anything else or you will overwrite more config files.

What do
emerge --info | grep CONFIG
grep CONFIG /etc/make.conf

Neil Bothwick

mandelbug /man'del-buhg/ n.
 [from the Mandelbrot set] A
   bug whose underlying causes are so complex and obscure as to make
   its behavior appear chaotic or even non-deterministic.  This term
   implies that the speaker thinks it is a Bohr bug, rather than
   a heisenbug.  See also schroedinbug.

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