Every time I boot my resolv.conf reverts to the original file with no name 
servers in it.  Because I use my laptop in various places I have a series of 
resolv.conf files (resolv.conf.xx1, resolv.conf.xx2, etc)  When I use a 
different network I just cp /etc/resolv.conf.xx1 /etc/resolv.conf  Now I'm 
having to do this every morning after boot even though I'm on the same 
network.  Why does it keep reverting to this old file?  How do I stop it?  
I've looked in the directory /etc/ but I cant see any file like 
resolv.conf.old or resolv.conf.tmp  Where is it getting this empty file from?
Dr. Matthew R. Lee
Departamento de Ecologia,
P. Universidad Catolica de Chile,
Alameda 340, Santiago.
CP 6513677


URL: meiochile.matthewlee.org
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