I am trying to install vmware-player, but things don't seem to be
working right.

Aftere doing the emerge, and starting /etc/init.d/vmware, I was told
that cupsd had to be started after vmware but that some of the vmware
dependencies required cupsd.  Since I don't need to pring from the VM, I
blew that off.

I ran vmware-config.pl and set up the bridged networking.  But after
answering the questions, I get:

 * Starting VMware services: [ ok ]
 *   Virtual machine monitor [ ok ]
 *   Virtual ethernet        [ !! ]
 *   Bridged networking on /dev/vmnet0   [ !! ]

(on my first attempt I configured the bridged and NAT networking, but
I've re-run vmware-config.pl since then).

When I ran vmplayer, I was told that it wasn't configured as
/etc/vmware/not_configured was still in place.  Just to see what would
happen, I removed it and fired it up.

There was a complaint about vmmon not being loaded, and it appeared that
the install built vmmon.ko for kernel 2.6.15, rather than for 2.6.17, so
I rebuilt it and installed the module.

I re-ran vmplayer and I get errors that networking is not properly
configured.  Given the !! above, I'm not surprised.

I think I'll need to go back to the beginning, but I'm not sure what to
do differently that I might succeed.

Anyone have any advice?


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        Those who can count in binary and those who cannot.
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