On Monday 13 November 2006 19:05, James Colby wrote:
> I modified my make.conf file to: CFLAGS="-mtune=athlon -O2
> -fomit-frame-pointer"
> and the emerge has been running for about 1/2 hour and is still going
> (..and going, and going)
> Any other ideas???

Dunno. What version of device-mapper are you trying to merge? Versions 
1.02-7,9,10,12 have all compiled just fine over here. It's not a USE 
flag setting as device-mapper doesn't have any (except selinux which is 
irrelevant to the default profile).

What's the compile doing? I see you don't have PORTAGE_ELOG* set so you 
won't have full compile session logs in /var/log/portage but you should 
be able to see on the screen what's happening and make an intelligent 

Also, try unpacking the source somewhere and doing a manual compile. 
Then at least you'll know if it's portage making the difference or not.

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