On Thu, 16 Nov 2006, James Colby wrote:

I was trying to delete some files from my /sbin directory and with an
unfortunate use of a wildcard accidentally deleted the entire contents
on the /sbin directory.  I have recovered the contents of the /sbin
directory from a stage 3 tarball.  I was thinking about doing an
emerge world, just to make sure that everything is consistent.  Do you
all think that this is necessary?

Yes, I think an "emerge --deep --emptytree world" would be in order.

If you had a recent backup of your system-- new enough that no new
packages had been emerged since the backup was taken-- then restoring
the backup would be the easiest option.

In this case, though, it seems like a reasonable tradeoff to wait for
all your packages to recompile in order to be more confident that your
system won't blow up on you.

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