Helmut Jarausch wrote:
> Hi,
> this is a very general question. 
> Having used LinuxFromScratch for several years, I've switched to
> Gentoo a few month ago.
> Im must say I'm quite impressed.
> Still, for a newcomer like me, there remains one problem.
> How to upgrade Gentoo?
> Having tried to upgrade to udev-103 I fell flat on my face until
> I've found a hint by some helpful soul which indicated
> that I should unmerge some packages, rc-update del some
> scripts before I upgrade to udev-103.
> The next step which I'm afraid of is upgrading
> to glibc-2.5
> Having destroyed (the system) of my machine some years
> ago by upgrading glibc (on Suse), I know that this
> is not a trivial step.
> So, the question:
> Is there a general source of information about
> warnings, actions to be taking, etc  to be followed
> when upgrading certains critical packages.
> Many thanks for your help and hints,
> Helmut.

Generally "emerge --sync && emerge -DuNav world" keeps your gentoo
up-to-date. Cleaning useless packages is done by "emerge --depclean
-av". Resolving and fixing broken dependencies is done by
"revdep-rebuild -av".


Best regards,

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