Georg Witwer wrote:
> As you might have noticed or heard, cokehabit isn't part of the
> Userreps project any longer. He and Userel obviously didn't get along
> very well and there has been some troubles on IRC and on bugzilla,
> which I didn't get a chance to see though. But I talked shortly with
> cokehabit about it and he didn't object to leave the project, so we
> have a vacant Userreps seat atm.
> Since this is the first time that one of us left, we have to find a
> rule on how we are to restaff that vacant seat. Impov, there are three
> different options that we have. We could either go thru the whole
> voting process again, which seem to be quite some work and would
> definitely need some time or we could simply ask the ones that where
> next on the list from the initial vote, to see if they are still
> interested in doing the job or we let the appointed Userreps decide
> who they want to have in their team to work with.
> Even though the voting idea seems to be the logical thing to do, at
> least to me when I thought about it first, it's the option I really
> don't want to have and almost everyone from Userreps/Userrel agrees on
> this point. It would just take to much time and effort, since we don't
> want the mistakes of the first vote be repeated, like having better
> announcements and getting the whole user community not just forum
> peeps to vote.
> Picking the next one on the list that shows interest, is an option
> that doesn't take much time and seems to be fair since they have
> proven to have the support in the user community at the first vote.
> The third option is to let us Userreps pick someone we know and that
> has shown interest in our project. And plainly spoken, this is the
> option I favor the most, as does the rest of Userreps and Userrel.
> Here is why:
> Building up a team with people that hardly know each other is not an
> easy task. It took us quite some time to get to know each other and to
> find a way to work somehow efficiently together. We are different to
> any other project in Gentoo land because we did not pick our team by
> ourself, but let others, you the user community, choose our team.
> That's the way it has to be of course but it's a handicap,
> nevertheless.
> Since the whole project was started there has only been one user, who
> also ran for Userreps btw, that  followed our moves very closely. He
> is in our channel (#gentoo-userreps) almost all the time, he takes
> part in all our and userrel meetings, he is well known and respected
> in the devs community, he made lots of useful suggestion and took the
> time to write various concepts for his ideas, all of us Userreps value
> him and his opinion quite high and we get along with him very well.
> After the 11th seat got vacant, there wasn't really any discussion
> about it since it was obvious that we all wanted to have
> [url=]djay[/url]
> (aka djay-il [irc] aka Alex Bogak [rl]) as our new team member. Most
> of the devs believed that he was a Userrep anyways because he showed
> up at all the meetings and actively took part in all the discussions.
> :lol: And Userrel also seems to strongly agree with this idea.
> So I am here to ask your support to make djay our 11th member on the
> next Userreps/Userrel meeting this Saturday. He knows his way around
> and we know him quite well and he would fit just perfect in our team.
> If you want us to move on, to do the things we were voted for as fast
> as possible, please show us your support by dropping a few lines. If
> you think that this is not ok, please drop us a few lines to explain
> why.

An idea "out of the box" style:
Why not take that guy djay because he already acts like a part of the
project anyway, the second from the previous voting because it's fast
and logical, and a third one from a new voting because it would be fair?
This way everyone would be happy. ;-)
Yep, why restrict the project to only 11 members?

Best regards,

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