Bo Ørsted Andresen wrote:
> Do you use ccache, distcc or any other wrappers? If you do you may have to 
> disable it until this is all resolved and the wrappers have been remerged.

I had tried to set both of those up at one point, so they were still
installed on my machine, but they were not enabled in /etc/make.conf.
>> I tried to manually call a g++ command on some code I have, and got the
>> following error:
>> g++: installation problem, cannot exec `as': No such file or directory
>> So my compiler is broke.  Any pointers on how to fix this?
> What is the output of:
> # ls -L /usr/bin/as

# ls -L /usr/bin/as
ls: cannot access /usr/bin/as: No such file or directory

The bizarre thing is that I can use the tab completion to see that there
is an entry for /usr/bin/as there...

> That link is created by binutils-config. If it's broken switching the right 
> binutils profile once again may fix it (even if it was already chosen):
> # binutils-config -l
>  [1] i686-pc-linux-gnu-2.16.1
>  [2] i686-pc-linux-gnu-2.17 *
> # binutils-config 2
>  * Switching to i686-pc-linux-gnu-2.17 ...

Tried this...

> [SNIP]
> # env-update

# env-update
/usr/bin/python: error while loading shared libraries: cannot
handle TLS data

> # source /etc/profile

# ls -L /usr/bin/as
ls: error while loading shared libraries: cannot handle TLS data

Actually, now I can't seem to do anything at all.  Things like rm don't
even work anymore... bizarre.  I think my system is screwed now...

Randy Barlow
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