On 12/12/06, Timothy A. Holmes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Several years ago I saw a (unfortunatly windows) program that when
pluggined into a network, would allow the user to visualize traffic
across the network.  In that particular program, the network (or
segment) was represented as a circle with hosts around the perimeter and
lines representing traffic, the thicker the line, the more traffic.

Im not hooked on that particular layout, but im looking for something
similar that will allow me to get a grasp of which hosts are generating
traffic and how much (we are seeing some slowdown problems that I need
to try to locate)

Programs in portage are preferable, but if it will run on gentoo without
too much gymnastics, im interested.



I've seen references to Etherape, which does pretty much what you
describe.  I can't speak for its usefulness in a production
environment, being the merest dilletante ;)
Ryan W Sims
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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