On 12/14/06, Bertram Scharpf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I try to chroot to a brand new environment, freshly unpacked
from stage 3:

  kyle # chroot /mnt/hdb/ /bin/bash
  FATAL: kernel too old
  kyle # uname -a
  Linux kyle 2.6.8-3-686 #1 Tue Dec 5 21:26:38 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux

After that, I unpacked stage 1. The boostrap worked fine until
during compilation of glibc a command ".././scripts/mkinstalldirs"
stoped with (yes!): "FATAL: kernel too old".

An strace of the chroot command ends with the uname function
call yielding the above results and returning 0. Then, the
message is output and exit is called.

Google did not give me any hints.

Thanks in advance for any hints.


Bertram Scharpf
Stuttgart, Deutschland/Germany
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

This happens when you try to chroot to a system that has a much newer kernel
than the one you're running.  The solution is to use a newer gentoo boot cd.

- Mark Shields

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