
On Wed, 20 Dec 2006 06:07:50 -0800 Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Number of users is largely irrelevant, it's not as if Gentoo needs a
> > number of "customers" to survive, it is a non-profit organisation
> > producing free products.
> That's exactly the argument here, and the point of creating the 3-way
> comparison I suggested.  I'm trying to determine if Gentoo does "need
> a number of customers to survive", to thrive, or not at all.  If you
> are all correct, an increased user base would not benefit Gentoo, but
> there is a possibility that it would and has.  That's what I'm trying
> to determine.

But that's not possible to determine, given the accessible data.

I really start getting annoyed by this thread. It surely *is* an
interesting question what impact different
user/developer/bugreporter/ML-helper have on the distro. But it is
important that especially the questions *you* are asking are of merely
sociological nature. I doubt you can prove anything reliably except
maybe that Gentoo is very likely to cease to exists if there are *no*
(read: zero) users left.

All the graphs you can make up with those ratios will always still miss
important points.

- Given that gentoo is more of a meta-distribution, it is highly
dependent on upstream.
- The aforementioned (by others) grey user base (local user groups not
using central Gentoo infrastructure) is high.
- You won't be able to do clear allocations on who's a dev and who's a
user and who's a bugreporter without intersections.
- You'll never be able to determine users' reasons for joining/leaving
gentoo, coincidence with developer-ratios or bug statistics are
likely to be flawed.

For the questions you're posing here, you really need to take a
sociological approach and do carefully crafted interviews with a
certain number of users, devs, bug reporters and so on. Purely
quantitative relations are doomed to be just marketing-blabla, and even
politics in worser cases.

-hwh (happy Gentoo user & bugreporter w/ privately used mirrors and a
Linux developer)
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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