I'm about to start using LVM. I setup a secondary partition with fdisk,
created a physical volume with pvcreate, made a group volume with
vgcreate (out of only that physical volume), created several logical
volumes with lvcreate, and installed filesystems on the logical volumes.
One volume is swap, and /proc/meminfo says it is active. Other volumes I
can mount and write onto.
So, what's the problem? The problem is that vgdisplay, vgscan, vgchange,
pvdisplay, lvdisplay all say there are no volumes to be found!
What did I miss?

One other thing i don't understand is what to do regarding init scripts.

(The kernel gentoo-sources 2.6.18-r2 has build-in support for "Multiple devices 
driver support
(RAID and LVM)" and "Device mapper support". )

Jorge Almeida
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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