Hello, list.

I'm running Gentoo on my box, and got (almost) everything on ~x86,
with the exception of gcc, glibc and binutils, as these have rendered
my box completely b0rked in the past.
(un?)fortunately, this machine has an nvidia graphics display, and we
all know nvidia linux drivers are very far from perfect. I myself have
seen all kind of strange behaviour and lockups with them on various
Now, I'm helping test Minefield (a.k.a. Firefox 3). And here comes the problems:

- If I try Minefield with nvidia drivers, I experience X lockup (100%
cpu and completely unresponsive) as soon as I try to either open a
message on Gmail or try to compose a new mail. I was going to post
this message when it locked.
- Firefox 2 with nvidia drivers seem to be OK (I'm posting this right
now on it).
- X with opensource nv drivers eat 80% cpu time even when doing
nothing. My box becomes very sluggish, and it looks like my old 486
dx2 :)

I find it very strange that Minefield can bring X down by simply
opening a message or trying to compose new mail. I have managed to
reproduce this error here several times. When this happens, I have to
ssh in, kill -9 X, and then wait a bit for gdm to restart it.

This is very very annoying.

If I could, I would leave nvidia forever, but I guess there are no
better (or less worse) alternative, so I must stick to these crappy
Also, this seems to have started after I had to replace nvidia-drivers
with nvidia-legacy-drivers.

Any ideas?


Bruno Lustosa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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