Vlad Dogaru wrote:
> On 1/11/07, *Ralf Stephan* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     > Gentoo fits like a glove,even to a newbie such as myself,  but I
>     can't get
>     > AbiWord to display mathematical formulas in my documents. Is there a
>     > package
>     Depends on which documents but you don't want any other output
>     than that from LaTeX. This is the true math standard. You can
>     convert to Postscript, PDF, bitmap from there and thus include
>     it in any other doc format.
>     Regards,
>     ralf
> I was being very ambiguous the first time and I apologise. The problem
> is that I have some readily written texts in Windows doc format which
> contain mathematical formulas and I need to be able to read them.

I think you need Open Office.  emerge openoffice or emerge
openoffice-bin.  The last one is a binary version, no long compile
times.  I don't know your machine but I have a AMD 2500+ with 1GB of
ram.  It takes about 7 1/2 hours for me.  Your mileage may vary.


:-)  :-)  :-)


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