
On Thu, 11 Jan 2007 08:42:01 -0600 Michael Sullivan

> Is this normal?:
> 2899 root      17   0  131m  35m  224 R  0.3 59.2  11:03.55 cc1
> I took this from a `top` listing.  I'm trying to emerge
> sys-devel/gcc-4.1.1-r3 on my server box.  The merge hasn't moved much
> in the last twenty hours, and, if I'm reading this right, this single
> compile has been running for eleven hours???

Should rather be 11 minutes. But that's probably (can't the the top
headers, but assuming default config) CPU time, so it might be running
for longer.

> Is this a problem?

You'll never know... But the process is "running". You can use "strace
-p <PID>" to get a first impression what the process is doing/waiting
for. If you don't care, just kill it, abort the emerge, check system
and start over.

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