Doesn't really seem to be related to OPs question so it probably should have 
been a new thread, however...

On Saturday 13 January 2007 05:15, Dale wrote:
> From what I understand Google doesn't allow Gentoo to mirror the souce
> tarball.  After you install it and sync later on, if Google has changed
> something, you get a digest error.

The real issue is that google refuse to rename the tarball when they release a 
new version. The secondary issue is then that Gentoo can't rename it on their 
own mirros since they aren't allowed to redistribute it.

> It will delete the tarball from distfiles too.

Without your consent??

> I'm on dial-up and that sort of ticks me off, 

Understandable. You should, however, realize that it is an actual upgrade 
you're rejecting in this case.

> The way I got around it is to manually delete it from my world file.
> That way it doesn't check the digest.  Some guru may have a better way
> to do this but this is what I have ran into with googleearth.  May want
> to check farther before you run into the same thing I did.

I don't really have a better suggestion if you don't want the upgrades. 
Redigesting it as Kent suggests seems rather pointless as you would just be 
reinstalling the old version (while tricking portage into believing you get 
the newer version (as if that mattered ;)) with no actual gain.

Bo Andresen

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