Adrian wrote:
> I call it strange magic.
> I had the same problems, Windows keys didn't work and CTR-ALT-F1
> would not switch to a VT . . .
> David said, if I'm reading this right, he had to take
> "nodeadkeys" out.  Well, I didn't have that options, I added it,
> and now it works fine.

Ctrl+Alt+numpadminus and Ctrl+Alt+numpadplus never worked for me. In 
KMail the Ctrl+Alt+numpadminus would do the same thing as the plain 
minus key.  Until I read this thread and started trying all kinds 
of combinations...  After toggling NumLock, it suddenly started to 
work, and now just keeps working no matter what the state of NumLock 
is, also after a reboot.  :|

Are we maybe all using KDE?  Might some obsolete configuration data 
be interfering, data that only gets flushed when the keyboard config 
is changed?  So just changing the config, and later changing it back 
should work?

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