Mark Kirkwood wrote:

# echo "INPUT_DEVICES=\"keyboard mouse\"" >> /etc/make.conf
# echo "VIDEO_CARDS=\"radeon vesa\"" >> /etc/make.conf
# VIDEO_CARDS="radeon" emerge x11-drm
# emerge xorg-x11
# env-update
# source /etc/profile
# Xorg -configure                           # fails mouse detect
# sed 's/\/dev\/mouse/\/dev\/input\/mice/'  > xorg.conf.newer
# Xorg -config `pwd`/xorg.conf.newer
# cp xorg.conf.newer /etc/X11/xorg.conf     # only if prev works!

Note that Xorg -configure seems to fail to detect the mouse device, but gives an otherwise good file.

Purely for completeness (since Sean is switched to a Nvidea card now)... Xorg -configure does not enable non-root users to have DRI enabled, so I needed to append to xorg.conf:

        Section "DRI"
                Mode 0666

Best wishes

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