On Monday 22 January 2007 08:53, Dorin wrote:
> > This suggests that dbus isn't in world or a dep on anything in world.
> > Hence it should show up on `emerge --depclean -p`.
> Actually k3b is in my world file and dbus doesn't show up
> on 'emerge --depclean -p'.
> > The actual dependency looks like this:
> >
> > # grep -A 2 "hal?" $(portageq portdir)/app-cdr/k3b/k3b-0.12.17.ebuild
> >         hal? ( || ( dev-libs/dbus-qt3-old
> >                                 ( <sys-apps/dbus-0.90
> > >=sys-apps/dbus-0.30 ) ) sys-apps/hal )
> >
> > So k3b doesn't depend on dbus if the hal USE flag is disabled or if
> > dbus-qt3-old is installed.
> That would explain it, but I checked and dbus-qt3-old isn't installed and
> an 'equery u k3b' shows k3b actually  has the hal USE flag enabled.

Hmm.. Actually this is the exact reason `emerge -avuDN world` don't try to 
upgrade dbus. When you type `emerge -pv dbus` emerge does not check whether 
any packages in world or in your system requires a lower version or blocks 
dbus. It only checks whether there is an upgrade for dbus and upgrades it if 
there is. 

If you do that on your next `emerge -avuDN world` you will probably see 
portage pull in dev-libs/dbus-qt3-old because ( <sys-apps/dbus-0.90 
>=sys-apps/dbus-0.30 ) is no longer satisfied and dev-libs/dbus-qt3-old is 
listed first and hence preferred.


Bo Andresen

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