On Tuesday 23 January 2007 21:52, Randy Barlow wrote:
> It seems to be a versioning problem.  The stable version of naim in
> portage is quite outdated (from 2004) and the newest version was
> released in October 2006.  There is a bug report[1] for the version
> bump, and the new version is in ~arch for several architectures.
> [1] http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=151956
> Hopefully it will stabilize sometime soon :)

It's been in the tree for only 10 days. Wait till it's been in the tree for 30 
days and then file a new bug requesting stabilization on your arch(es). In 
the mean time just use package.keywords for that package. It's not like 
keywording it stable now magically makes it more stable.

Bo Andresen

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