On Saturday 27 January 2007 18:40, Vlad Dogaru wrote:
> One question though: is there a reason why PORTAGE_TMPDIR does not
> default to /tmp?

The real nature of /tmp isn't adequate for portage, that's why it uses a 
different one. If memory serves, the FHS defines /tmp as a temporary 
place to store files, and the continued existence of the file after a 
process has finished is not guaranteed. In other words, if there are no 
existing locks on a file, it's up for summary deletion. This could be 
fatal in a big compile - imagine if some cleaner process nuked a binary 
compiled 4 hours ago in an openoffice compile....

But the best reason is that some compiles are HUGE. Openoffice can take 
up all of 5G with everything enabled, and as /tmp is often a tmpfs, 
it's highly unlikely most users will have enough space on /tmp to 
emerge it. 

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