On Tuesday 06 February 2007, Dale wrote:
> I don't understand portage and ebuilds well enough to do that.  How
> about this.  Is there a way to just tell emerge to emerge each
> separate package and get rid of kde-meta?  

kde-meta is, well, as meta package. All it does is tell portage to 
emerge all the dependencies, and that turns out to be all 300 
individual kde ebuilds. kdebase-meta is the same thing on a smaller 
scale and only for the basic stuff.

You could 'emerge -avC kde-meta' and all that would happen is the -meta 
package gets removed, leaving the deps in place. However, they aren't 
in world so your next 'emerge --depclean' will want to remove them.

Few people actually use all of KDE, so a good compromise is to figure 
out what you actually do use and emerge just those ebuilds

Have you read the kde split-ebuilds HOWTO at gentoo.org/doc lately? It's 
all in there, but it's a lot of info so it's useful to refresh the old 
memory every now and again

> I don't know, equery list 
> kde then poke them in one by one.  Would that let it leave kate and
> kdelibs where it is without masking all of kde?

I just tried this test:

masked kate-3.5.6
unmerged kdebase-meta
emerge -pD world

and it went crazy with blockers. Portage wanted to emerge kdebase-3.5.5 
(not the -meta) one and that was bloked by all the kdebase packages at 
version 3.5.6. So it would seem there are some hard coded blocks in 
place, which is sensible as mixing KDE app and lib versions willy-nilly 
is probably not a good idea...

> Thanks for the reply though.  At least I can open the file and read
> it and it is not just me having this problem.


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Alan McKinnon
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