On 2007-02-11, Chris Nolan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A long time ago when a LAMP box of mine got hacked.. they installed a
> program in /tmp/<random characters>  that would connect to IRC
> servers.  Basicly they made my box a bot.   The way I found it was I
> saw outgoing IRC connections when I was in netstat looking for
> something else.
> They got me thorugh and expolit in awstats which I no longer run.
> The only way I was sure that I got rid of the hack was I wiped and
> reloaded the machine from scratch.
> Long of it is.. check for odd processes as well.

A good rootkit will install a "ps" that won't show the 'bot
processes.  The one time a machine of mine got hacked, netstat
still worked, but I don't know why a hacked netstat couldn't be
installed as well.

Looking through /proc/<pid> is probably still reliable.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I am deeply CONCERNED
                                  at               and I want something GOOD
                               visi.com            for BREAKFAST!

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