On Thursday 08 February 2007 21:45, Dan Farrell wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Feb 2007 13:34:21 -0800
> "Michael Higgins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello, list --
> >
> >
> > # df -h
> > Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> > /dev/hda3              20G   12G  7.5G  61% /
> > udev                  236M  2.7M  233M   2% /dev
> > shm                   236M     0  236M   0% /dev/shm
> > /dev/hda5              14G   13G  1.3G  91% /home/col/dump
> > /dev/hda6              14G   12G  2.0G  86% /home/col/music
> so here the sizes added up are ~48.5 gigs, right?  and here...
> > Disk /dev/hda: 80.0 GB, 80026361856 bytes
> we can see the 80 gig drive recognized as such.
> > 16 heads, 63 sectors/track, 155061 cylinders
> and you have 155,061 cylinders on the disk, but
> >    Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
> > /dev/hda1   *           1         497      250456+  83  Linux
> > /dev/hda2             498        2482     1000440   82  Linux swap /
> > Solaris /dev/hda3            2483       44103    20976984   83  Linux
> > /dev/hda4           44104       99582    27961416    5  Extended
> > /dev/hda5           44104       71843    13980928+  83  Linux
> > /dev/hda6           71844       99582    13980424+  83  Linux
> you only fill to cylinder 99,582.  So 99,582 of 155,061 leaves us
> only about 64% of the drive used, and your 30 'missing' gigs simply not
> partitioned off.  Unfortunately, since you haven't any more primary
> partitions, you have space after /dev/hda4 and no way to use it.
> Hopefully you know something about nondestructive partition resizing.
> good luck!

Or, boot off a LiveCD, tar the last partition contents somewhere off disk, 
optionally you could delete the files/directories (use shred if you wish), 
then use fdisk to delete the last partition, create a new extended partition 
and the desired number and sizes of logical partitions, reboot with the 
LiveCD, create a new fs type on each of your new partitions and untar back 
your old partition.

There's a catch.  Your first new logical partition will need to be at least as 
large as the data you had in your old partition.  If you want to move some of 
the directories & mount points into a new different partition, this would be 
the time to do it.  Instead of tar-ring the complete partition, just tar 
separately the relevant directories.

I'm sure there must be some LVM, EVM type of trick that you could use to 
achieve the above, but I have always used this, aheam, conventional method to 
do it.


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