Michal 'vorner' Vaner wrote:
> Hello,
> On Sat, Feb 17, 2007 at 11:07:34PM +0100, Roman Naumann wrote:
>> Here the whole configuration: (imagine it as a complicated line of different 
>> connections through the entire house...)
>> [SNIP]
> Hm, I think in theory you should have the PC in the middle with 2 IP
> addresses, on each interface different. On each segment (each side of
> the middle one) should be IPs from different range and there should be
> allowed routing (that I do not know how). It would look like this:
> -->( PC1 <IP-A/Range1> ) -- ( <IP-B/Range1> PC2 <IP-C/Range2> ) -- ( 
> <IP-D/Range2> PC3 )
> PC2 can comm with all (since it is on both nets). PC3 shloud use IP-C as
> its gateway, which will allow it to access PC1. PC1 should have static
> route for whole Range2 to IP-B, so it can send to PC3. Now, how is that
> set in Windows, who knows..
> After this all is set, PC1 and PC3 should be able to talk to each other.
> However, you will not see the pings unless both directions work.

Yeah, this sounds pretty good to me. The subnet assignments are key, as
is confirming connectivity at each point. Bridging on PC2 is a good
choice too. Not sure if your WiFi router is really in bridge mode or
not. Be sure its 'WAN' side is in Range1 and its 'LAN' side is in Range2.


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