I would advise you to go through and follow the handbook using the
command line in the livecd environment.  The livecd can be buggy and
personally, I like to know EXACTLY what is being done to my system.
It's good to know if something is my fault or theirs.

As per your X server woes, there is a great howto on gentoo's site.

Good luck!

On 2/21/07, Scott W. McMikle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have used Mandriva and Kubuntu and several other distributions before I
thought I would give Gentoo a try because I like to tweak and learn more
about Linux.  The live cd works great on my machine, but when I attempted to
install Gentoo on that same machine, X does not work, nor does my network
connection.  I have tried the Gentoo handbook, but I am unable to find the
answers to solve my problems.  I have found myself quickly over my head and
now I begin to wonder if I am not quite ready for Gentoo.  What would you
all recommend?

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