On Wednesday 21 February 2007, "pat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote about 'Re: 
[gentoo-user] ramfs - is it necessary ???':
> OK, so I have to search for ramfs. What tool is used to create initramsf
> file for boot or how to compile it into kernel and how to use it with
> grub ???

Each distro has their own, although I think they were mostly spawned from 
mkinitrd from RedHat.  I believe genkernel now creates initramfs (as 
opposed to initrd) files, and may have support for compiling the initramfs 
into the kernel.

grub/lilo/xen loads an initramfs exactly the same as an initrd -- the 
kernel determines how to use the uncompressed data by looking for a cpio 

> Yes, start with kernel documentation ... but something quicker ??? :-)

Not that I've found.

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                     ,= ,-_-. =. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      ((_/)o o(\_))
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