Jürgen Geuter skrev:
> On Tue, 2007-02-27 at 18:09 +0800, Ow Mun Heng wrote:
>> Does anyone here knows if beagle really sucks up resources?? I just
>> emerged it a week ago and I'm getting very pissed off at it as it's
>> using a lot of resources. The laptop doesn't get much idle time.
> Beagle is quite a resource hog and will keep your system busy whenever
> it finds it to be "idle", that is the reason why I decided to ditch it
> (I wasn't using the search functionality that much anyways).
> You could make sure that "beagled" is not started upon login, that way
> it will not do autoscanning of your files and only start when you use
> it.
> regards
> Jürgen

Beagle is not supposed to use an awful lot of CPU-time, except for rare
peaks. If it uses a lot of CPU-cycles for more than a few seconds it's a
bug - most likely in a plug-in. Especially the SVG plug-in tends to have

The memory consumption is however quite high.

-Kristian Poul Herkild
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