> I checked the ebuild of virtual/libstdc++ and it gives me an  rdepends
> of  = gcc-3.3.*

The full depend is

RDEPEND="|| ( =sys-libs/libstdc++-v3-3.3* =sys-devel/gcc-3.3* )"

This means either =sys-libs/libstdc++-v3-3.3* or =sys-devel/gcc-3.3*. If
neither is installed the first listed will be used. this indicates that
you already have gcc-3.3* installed. If you have nothing that needs it
(very few packages fail to compile on 4.1 now), you can unmerge gcc-3.3
and the next emerge world will install sys-libs/libstdc++ instead.

hey thanks.  So I think the more elegant solution is to install
unmerge my overlayed virtual/libstdc++, delete my overlayed
then reemerge --oneshot virtual/libstdc++ again, this time using the one in
portage tree.  I don't think I can just delete my overlay before then or it
fess up unmerging.


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